Oil on canvas / Oleo sobre tela
Another sample of the typical rural achitecture of Alentejo: this time no ochre-yellow band, just plain white - very useful when the temperature in the summer climbs to 44 and even 45 degrees Celsius in the shadow (that's 112 to 113 Fahrenheit ) ....
Outra amostra da arquitectutra rural típica do Alentejo: desta vez sem a banda amarelo-ocre, apenas cal branca - muito útil quando a temperatura no Verão sobe aos 44 ou 45 graus à sombra...
Vendido / Sold
2 comentários:
Hello! I like your work very much. Since I am not an expert in painting, I can only express my personal feeling. It seems to me to be of great beauty, a wonderful mix of colours and providing an enormous power of expression and authenticity of portuguese landscape. Very nice painting, congrats!
Thank you very much for your kind words. Feel free to visit my blog often!! ( I love when ppl like my paintings ) :))
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